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In 2023, during a 5-2 victory over Al-Nassr, Cristiano Ronaldo scores his 50th goal The tweet, "Finished version of Ronaldo is still better than everyone," goes viral

Fans reacted to Al-Nassr captain Cristiano Ronaldo bringing up his 50th goal for club and country in 2023 on Monday (December 11). The landmark strike came in Al-Alami's 5-2 King Cup of Champions quarterfinal win at Al-Shabab.

Seko Fofana set the visitors on their way in the 17th minute before Carlos restored parity seven minutes later. Luis Castro's side then assumed control of proceedings.

Sadio Mane (28') and Abdulrahman Ghareeb (45+4') made it 3-1 at half-time before Ronaldo netted his 50th goal of the year in the 74th minute. Hattan Bahebri pulled one back for Al-Shabab in the 90th minute, but Mohammed Maran scored in the sixth minute of stoppage time to restore Al-Alami's three-goal lead.

Fans went gaga over Ronaldo reaching 50 goals for the year, when many had deemed the 38-year-old to be a spent force. One tweeted:

"Finished version of Ronaldo is still better than everyone."

Another chimed in:

"Cristiano Ronaldo has now scored 50 goals in 2023. He turns 39 in less than two months."

Here are some of the top reactions on X:

Al-Nassr (37) are seven points behind leaders Al-Hilal after 16 games in the Saudi Pro League and are now two wins away from winning the King Cup.

Break-up of Cristiano Ronaldo's 50 goals in 2023

VIDEO: Cristiano Ronaldo At 38 Years Old Is Still The BEST...
Al-Nassr attacker Cristiano Ronaldo
Al-Nassr attacker Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo is widely regarded as one of the best players in the game's history and most lethal goalscorers.

Even at the ripe old age of 38, the five-time Ballon d'Or winner has shown little signs of slowing down, keeping Father Time at bay. His 50th goal of the year on Monday marked the eighth time in his illustrious career that the Portugal captain achieved the milestone.

In 41 games across competitions, Ronaldo has scored 40 times for Al-Nassr, with the remaining 10 strikes coming in nine games for Portugal in their successful UEFA Euro 2024 qualifying campaign. It's pertinent to note that six of his goals came in a pre-season tournament - Arab Club Champions Cup.

Ronaldo and Manchester City striker Erling Haaland are the joint top goalscorers of the year with 50 goals apiece. Kylian Mbappe (PSG) and Harry Kane (Bayern Munich) follow close behind with 49 strikes.

Edited by Bhargav

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Name: Michael Carpenter

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Introduction: My name is Michael Carpenter, I am a ingenious, sincere, proficient, radiant, multicolored, risk-taking, enterprising person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.